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2022.04.05 学習者・保護者向け 聴くトレ

『聴くトレ』~Listening Comprehension Practice #4


1 英文を聴く。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません。また、メモをとってもかまいません)
2 質問を聞き、正しい答えを選ぶ。
3 もう一度英文を聴く。
4 もう一度質問を聞き、正しい答えを選ぶ。
5 英文と質問を読み、答えを確認する。(英文にわからない部分があったら辞書を引いて調べましょう。何度も音声を聞きながら音読しましょう。)

1 英文を聴きましょう。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません。また、メモをとってもかまいません)

2 聴き取った英文についての質問を聞き、正しい答えを選びましょう。質問は4つあります。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません)

Question 1
1 They play with children.
2 They make dinner.
3 They go to bed with children.

Question 2
1 To play with the children.
2 The children don’t want to go to bed. 
3 Most children don’t want to take a bath.

Question 3
1 No, only girls do this work.
2 Yes, most boys do this work.
3 Yes, but they usually do yard work.

Question 4
1 It’s good because kids don’t have enough money.
2 Kids learn that working is important.
3 It’s good because most kids don’t like to work.

3 もう一度、英文を聴きましょう。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません。また、メモをとってもかまいません)

4 もう一度、聴き取った英文についての質問を聞き、正しい答えを選びましょう。質問は4つあります。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません)


Question 1
1 They play with children.
2 They make dinner.
3 They go to bed with children.

Question 2
1 To play with the children.
2 The children don’t want to go to bed. 
3 Most children don’t want to take a bath.

Question 3
1 No, only girls do this work.
2 Yes, most boys do this work.
3 Yes, but they usually do yard work.

Question 4
1 It’s good because kids don’t have enough money.
2 Kids learn that working is important.
3 It’s good because most kids don’t like to work.

5 答えを確認しましょう。再生された英文と質問は、以下の通りです。(英文にわからない部分があったら辞書を引いて調べましょう。何度も音声を聞きながら音読しましょう。)

Kids and Money

All young people like to have their own money, so they can go out with their friends or buy new things. Most American kids get a little money from their parents every week, but often it’s not enough. So it’s very common for kids to get more money by doing some kind of work in their neighborhood.

A lot of girls take care of babies or young children for money. Even very young girls, about 12 or 13 years old, can do this kind of work. Often they take care of their neighbors’ children. They usually give the children dinner, play with them, and tell them to take a bath. Finally, they tell the children to go to bed. But often children don’t want to go to sleep, so this is the hardest part!

Some boys take care of children, too, but it’s more common for them to do yard work. For example, in the summer they can cut the grass and in the spring they can clean up the garden. A lot of American houses have a front yard and a back yard, so there’s always a lot of yard work. There’s also lots of work around the house, like washing windows.

Most American parents think that working for money is good for kids. They say it teaches them the importance of work and how to use their own money.


Question 1 What do girls do when they take care of children?
Answer: 1 They play with children.

Question 2 What is the hardest thing about looking after children?
Answer: 2 The children don’t want to go to bed.

Question 3 Do boys take care of children, too?
Answer: 3 Yes, but they usually do yard work.

Question 4 What do most American parents think about kids working?
Answer: 2 Kids learn that working is important.


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