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2022.04.09 学習者・保護者向け 聴くトレ

『聴くトレ』~Listening Comprehension Practice #8


1 英文を聴く。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません)
2 質問を聞き、正しい答えを選ぶ。
3 もう一度英文を聴く。
4 もう一度質問を聞き、正しい答えを選ぶ。
5 英文と質問を読み、答えを確認する。(英文にわからない部分があったら辞書を引いて調べましょう。何度も音声を聞きながら音読しましょう。)

1 英文を聴きましょう。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません。また、メモをとってもかまいません)


2 聴き取った英文についての質問を聞き、正しい答えを選びましょう。質問は4つあります。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません)

Question 1
1 People who eat only vegetables.
2 People who eat mainly vegetables.
3 People who do not eat red meat.

Question 2
1 Because they think that people should have religions. ︎
2 Because they think that vegetables taste better.
3 Because they think that it is unhealthy to eat meat.

Question 3
1 Beans and bean products are popular.
2 Chicken and fish are popular.
3 Eggs and pork are popular.

Question 4
1 They don’t eat any kind animals at all.
2 Some of them eat chicken.
3 They don’t wear anything made out of animal skins.

3 もう一度、英文を聴きましょう。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません。また、メモをとってもかまいません)


4 もう一度、聴き取った英文についての質問を聞き、正しい答えを選びましょう。質問は4つあります。(必要に応じて、何度聴いてもかまいません)

Question 1
1 People who eat only vegetables.
2 People who eat mainly vegetables.
3 People who do not eat red meat.

Question 2
1 Because they think that people should have religions. ︎
2 Because they think that vegetables taste better.
3 Because they think that it is unhealthy to eat meat.

Question 3
1 Beans and bean products are popular.
2 Chicken and fish are popular.
3 Eggs and pork are popular.

Question 4
1 They don’t eat any kind animals at all.
2 Some of them eat chicken.
3 They don’t wear anything made out of animal skins.

5 答えを確認しましょう。再生された英文と質問は、以下の通りです。(英文にわからない部分があったら辞書を引いて調べましょう。何度も音声を聞きながら音読しましょう。)


There are some people who do not eat any meat. We call them “vegetarians”, because they eat mainly vegetables.

There are several different kinds of vegetarians. Some vegetarians eat chicken and fish, but not red meat. Other vegetarians will not eat any kind of animals at all. There are even some vegetarians who will not eat eggs.

People decide to become vegetarians for different reasons. Some, for example, do not eat meat because they feel that it is wrong to kill animals for food. Sometimes this type of vegetarian will not buy or wear anything made out of animal skins. Some people are vegetarians because of their religions. Then there are some people who just don’t like the taste of meat or fish. Finally, many people become vegetarians because they believe that it is not healthy to eat meat.

Vegetarians eat many different kinds of fruits, vegetables, rice, and wheat. Beans and bean products, such as tofu, are especially popular among vegetarians. Most vegetarians say that they feel much healthier since they stopped eating meat.


Question 1 What are vegetarians?
Answer : 2 People who eat mainly vegetables.

Question 2 Why do people become vegetarians?
Answer : 3 Because they think that it is unhealthy to eat meat.

Question 3 What kinds of foods are especially popular among vegetarians?
Answer : 1 Beans and bean products are popular.

Question 4 What is true about vegetarians?
Answer : 2 Some of them eat chicken.


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