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2020.08.24 授業のヒント Small Talk

中・高 Week 13-2: What are your goals in this fall? この秋の目標は何ですか?(後)



中・高 Week 13-1: What are your goals in this fall? この秋の目標は何ですか?(前)

【展開例】 太字部分の質問は、ペアでお互いに質問させます。

T: Now, the summer break is over. You are happy to come back to school, aren’t you? I know you are tired of staying at home. Which do you prefer, coming to school or staying at home? I prefer coming to school to staying at home. I mean, I like coming to school better.

– Which do you prefer, coming to school or staying at home?

T: S1, which do you prefer, coming to school or staying at home?
S1: I prefer coming to school.
T: Oh, you prefer coming to school to staying at home. So you are happy today, aren’t you? Which does your partner prefer, coming to school or staying at home?
S1:He says he prefers staying at home.
T: He prefers staying at home to coming to school. I hope his is not too unhappy today.

preferは日常のコミュニケーションのなかでよく使われる単語です。prefer A to Bの表現や、名詞のpreferenceの重要性を考えると導入するに値する単語です。ここでは、prefer A to Bの表現は、生徒の答えに対するre-castのかたちで導入しました。もちろん、実際の場面では、質問を共有する前に、必要に応じて簡単なドリル、例えば Do you prefer udon to soba or soba to udon? などをしても良いと思います。

T: I hope you had a good summer break. Did you have a lot of fun? Is there anything you regret about your summer break? I regret spending a lot of time doing nothing. I should have practiced playing the guitar more.

— Is there anything you regret about your summer break?

T: S2, is there anything you regret about your summer break?
S2: I regret spending a lot of time in my bed.
T: You mean, you should not have spent too much time in your bed?
S2: That’s right.
T: Is there anything your partner regrets about her summer break?
S2: She says she regrets not having spent more time with her dog.
T: She should have spent more time with her dog. I should have spent more time with my sons.

前回はWhat should you have done? という質問を使ってやりとりしましたが、今回は regret を使います。regretは、準動詞を目的語とする場合、動名詞だけをとる動詞なので、教師が答えの例を示す部分でそれをカバーしました。生徒が同じように答えてくれることを期待してのことです。また、その後に、I should have practiced playing the guitar more. と助動詞+have+過去分詞の文も併せて使い、内容に対する理解を深めると同時に、文法事項についての理解あるいは定着をも促しています。


Now, the school has already started. Don’t you have any ambitions for this fall? Is there anything you are determined to do this fall?

– Is there anything you are determined to do this fall?

T: S3, is there anything you are determined to do this fall?
S3: I am determined to pass Eiken grade pre 1 this fall.
T: Cool. Is there anything your partner is determined to do this fall?
S3: He says he is determined to gain some weight.
T: In my case, I have to lose some weight.

前回は、What are your goals in this fall? という質問を共有してやりとりしましたが、今回は be determined to do という表現を用いてみました。これもやはり、どこかのタイミングで使っておきたい表現です。

この質問も、その前の Is there anything you regret about your summer break? という質問も、whatを用いた直接内容を聞くものではないので、あるいは生徒が積極的に自分の答えを考え、表現することを避けるかも知れず、リスクがあると言えます。場合によっては、whatを用いた疑問文でのやりとりに変えた方が良いでしょう。このあたりは、普段からの雰囲気づくりと、教師の「司会」としての能力が問われるところです。


今回は、What are your goals in this fall? をトピックとしたやりとりの一例を紹介しました。次の休みに入る前に、または冬になる前に今回の内容の復習をする機会を持つことを忘れないでおきましょう。


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